Thursday, July 25, 2013

Nvidia to launch mobile iteration of Kepler GPU with its Project Logan SoC

Nvidia has announced that it's working on its next generation Tegra SoC (Tegra 5), which has been codenamed Project Logan.

While we can expect to see the initial devices powered by the chip only in the first half of 2014, Nvidia declared that it's bringing Kepler, its advanced, energy efficient, and high performance GPU (graphics processor) architecture to mobile with the Logan chip, at the SIGGRAPH 2013 conference. The company claims that Logan will advance the capability of mobile graphics by over seven years. 

According to Nvidia, Kepler's mobile iteration brings a huge jump in performance with 192 cores and offers full support for the modern GPU feature set found in the latest PC GPUs and upcoming consoles, instead of the incomplete, outdated capabilities of current mobile GPUs. It showcased the GPU which can fit into a tablet, during the conference.

The chip maker informed that the new mobile GPU based on Kepler will offer advanced mobile graphics, with full support for OpenGL 4.4, OpenGL ES 3.0, and DX11 technology standards.  It also supports DirectX 11, Microsoft's latest graphics API.

It would be the first modern GPU with true compute capabilities and support for CUDA 5 technology standards, as per the company. Nvidia even claims that the chip will deliver high power efficiency per watt, almost three times better than that of an iPad fourth generation while performing the same rendering.

Nvidia says the new Kppler GPU for mobile integrates a variety of advanced rendering and simulation techniques including Tessellation, Compute-based deferred rendering, Advanced anti-aliasing and post-processing algorithms and Physics and simulations. 

It also intends to leverage Kepler's capabilities in computational imaging, computer vision, augmented reality and speech recognition.

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